Q. When are the games and practices?
A. Harrison Township AYSO 919 is run entirely by volunteer parents. It has always been our policy to let the volunteer coaches work with each other to determine the exact game and practice schedule that best fits their needs. Most of the volunteer coaches have multiple children and other extracurricular activities on top of their full-time jobs. We’ve learned it’s much easier to find volunteer coaches if we offer the perk of setting your own schedule.
The scheduling begins at the coaches meeting, about 3 weeks prior to the start of the season. Once all the coach requests are in, the schedule is finalized, reviewed, and released to the parents, 1 week prior to the season beginning.
What is the best way to Best way to ensure your child’s schedule fits in with your other activities? Volunteer to be an AYSO Coach or Assistant Coach!
Q. What is the cost and what is included?
A. The cost is $155 for a full season(two seasons Fall & Spring), 20 games split between the Fall and Spring seasonS; 10 games in the Fall and 10 games in the Spring. You’ll be provided a link to purchase a set of uniforms for your child ~$40 through a 3rd party website. You are responsible for purchasing the uniform, cleats, shin guards, and a soccer ball.
Q. What are the age divisions?
A. AYSO focuses on the 3 - 12yr old age group. In Region 919, we group two “Birth Years” together in a single division. The AYSO national website maintains a chart of ages/divisions. Please use this link to find the Age Determination Chart: https://aysovolunteers.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Combined-Calendar-Year-Age-Determination-Chart-Combined-Final.pdf
MY2023 = Fall 2023 / Spring 2024 MY2024 = Fall 2024 / Spring 2025
Note: The registration software will automatically place your child in the correct division.
Q. What are the season dates?
A. For the Spring Season, we normally get started in late April (depending on the weather) and finish before the kids are done with school (mid-June). In Fall, we start the week after Labor Day, and try to finish by mid-October). The schedules are usually released 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the season.
Q. Where are the field locations?
A. All of our divisions play at Callewaert Field on Jefferson and Prentiss. The 12U and 14U divisions play other AYSO Regions like New Baltimore, Sterling Heights, and Shelby Township, half home, half away games.
Q. What are the game times?
A. Weeknight games start at 6:00 in the Fall (due to daylight), and 6:30 in the Spring
Saturday games can be scheduled any time from 9am-4pm
Q. What are the divisions?
U4 COED – Playground
This program is meant to develop motor skills and is NOT competitive soccer. A single coach leads a practice session that is meant to be fun. Parent involvement is encouraged.
U6 COED – Introduction to Competitive Soccer
4v4 on a small field, no goalies
30 minutes of practice, followed by 30 minutes of game time
Kick-Ins are used in place of Throw-Ins
8U COED – 4v4 Small field, No goalies
Same as 6U, but longer game time
Throw-ins are introduced
10U COED – Introduction to Larger team with goalies
7v7 on a medium sized field
Larger goals with a goalie
Offsides introduced
12U – Introduction Inter-Region Play
9v9 on a large field
Separate Boys / Girls teams
Opponents are other AYSO Regions, home and away games (Shelby, New Baltimore, Warren, etc.)
14U – Full field Inter-Region
11v11 on a large field
Separate Boys / Girls teams
Opponents are other AYSO Regions, home and away games (Shelby, New Baltimore, Warren, etc.)
Q. Can my player switch divisions?
A. We allow players to “Play Up” a division; approval is needed from the parent, coach, and AYSO Region 919 Board. Its common to put siblings or cousins on the same team to make it easier on the parents. However, we don’t allow anyone to “Play Down” a division, as it creates too many potential “fairness” issues and headaches for us.
Q. Do you take special requests?
A. We take special requests however we do not make any guarantees; it is only guaranteed if the parent volunteers for a coaching or board position. We are committed to making the teams as evenly-matched as possible.
Q. What is the refund policy?
*** $25 AYSO Membership fees are non-refundable.
100% ($25 AYSO Membership & Credit Card processing fees are non-refundable) - If we cannot form a team due to lack of players
75% ($25 AYSO Membership & Credit Card processing fees are non-refundable) - More than 2 weeks before start of season
50% ($25 AYSO Membership & Credit Card processing fees are non-refundable) - Within 2 weeks of season start 50%
25% ($25 AYSO Membership & Credit Card processing fees are non-refundable) - After season has started, but not participated in any games
0% ($25 AYSO Membership & Credit Card processing fees are non-refundable) - If player has participated in games
Q. Do you have any summer activities?
A. Not at this time. If we do offer any they will be advertised here on our website or on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ayso919harrisontownship